

Check out my new website! You can see my latest artworks and some stuff I've done over the years. I am constantly adding new and old works. Check the news to see what I'm working on and shows that I'm part of. Let me know what you think. I'd appreciate your feedback, ideas, and suggestions. Thanks!


it's time again

it's time again to start bloggin.

Now that I'm married. Things are getting more organized and I am starting to make some more art. Oct/Nov I was part of two group exhibitions in the Dayton area. The Black & White show at the Visceral Gallery and Creative Soul at the Armory downtown.
I will be exhibiting work for a charity benifit in Cincinnati for ArtWorks. Check out my piece. It is #0002 in their site. That seems like a good thing. http://www.artworkscincinnati.org/secret/art09.php